Awards to PI
2022 Canadian Society for Chemistry Tom Ziegler Award
2018 Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society Frank Blaney Award
2016 President’s Award for Outstanding Research (Memorial University, 2 awards per year, $5000 (
Awards to Students
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, 2022 CAS Future Leader
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, 2021 Biophysical Society of Canada Doctoral Thesis Award
Fatima Sajadi, Dean’s Doctoral Award, 2018-2022, $5,000 p.a.
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, IUPAC Periodic Table of Younger Chemists, 2018
Archita Adluri, CATC Best Overall Oral Presentation in Theoretical Chemistry Science Atlantic ChemCon 2018
Mohamad Mohebifar, Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies, 2018
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, first prize for oral presentations, Atlantic Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, Halifax NS, August 3, 2017
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, NSERC Vanier Graduate Scholarship, $50,000 pa
Kari Gaalswyk, 2017 Shaun C. Hillier Scholarship, awarded to best M.Sc. thesis in Scientific Computing, $1000
Archita Adluri: CIC Award for the Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation in Physical, Theoretical, or Computational Chemistry, Science Atlantic ChemCon 2016
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, ACENET Fellowship (graduate), 2016, $10000
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, A. G. Hatcher Scholarship, 2015, $15000
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, ACEmat Award for Best Talk at Science Atlantic Chemcon, 2015, $50
Ernest Awoonor-Williams, ACENET Fellowship (graduate), 2015, $10000
Jessica Besaw, Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (doctoral), 2015, $35,000 p.a. (3 years)
Jessica Besaw, A. G. Hatcher Scholarship, 2014, $15000
Jessica Besaw, Biophysical Society of Canada Travel Award
Jessica Besaw, 2014 Memorial University Biochemistry Symposium, 1st runner up, August 13, 2014
Jessica Besaw, Outstanding Student Symposium Presentation Award in the Multi-scale Computational Approaches and Applications in Biochemistry and Biomaterials at the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, BC, "A Computational Study of the Structure of the C-terminal Domain of FOXL1." June 5, 2014
Jennifer M. Smith, Award in the Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Division Poster Presentation at the 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, BC, “Computational Prediction of the Activity of Cysteine-targeting Electrophilic Drugs and the Need for Range-separated DFT Functionals.” June 3, 2014
Saleh Riahi, Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies, 2013
Saleh Riahi, J. Beryl Truscott Graduate Scholarship, 2013, $2000